With a great weather forecast I take a weekday off work and JD and i head off for Mt. Andromeda (3450m). We sleep in the car near the snow-coach parkinglot, and are off to a midnight start over rocky moraines. The wind is up a little, and we start to lose interst, but we reach the glacier and the base of our route, the Skyladder. After roping up and crossing the bergshrund, Jr. leads up a fairly steep snowslope. The sun comes out halfway up, and the wind drops to zero - a perfect morning for climbing!
We reach a plateau and traverse along the top of a ridge to the summit. Views are stunning in all directions - the Columbia Icefields, Mt. Columbia, and countelss Rockies Peaks. Not a single soul around us for miles. We work back down in a circuit, climbing to the Athabasca-Andromeda Col. A few rapels take us down stee snow slopes, and back down the the glacier below. We are back at the car by 2 pm - 14 hr day.
Very good day in the Rockies.

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